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Academic year: 2018

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  22   基本文とポイント

1 I want to eat a hamburger. (私はハンバーガーを食べたい。)

▶不定詞 〈to+動詞の原形 〉を不定詞という。

▶名詞的用法 「~すること」という意味を表し,文の中で主語・動詞の目的語・補語となる。

2 She has a lot of things to do. (彼女はすることがたくさんあります。)

▶形容詞的用法 「~する(ための),~すべき」という意味を表し,後ろから前の(代)名詞を修飾する。

3 He went to Paris to study art. (彼は美術を勉強するためにパリへ行きました。) I was happy to see him again. (私はまた彼に会えてうれしかった。)

▶副詞的用法 ① 「~するために,~しに」と目的を表し,動詞を修飾する。

       ② 感情を表す形容詞のあとに置かれ,「~して」と感情の原因・理由を表す。

4 Jane enjoyed listening to music. (ジェーンは音楽を聞いて楽しみました。) His hobby is playing the guitar. (彼の趣味はギターを弾くことです。)

Thank you for calling. (電話をかけてくれてありがとう。)

▶動名詞 ① 動詞のing形が「~すること」という意味を表す。

     ② 主語・動詞の目的語・補語・前置詞(forinwithoutなど)の目的語として使われる。


〈 名詞的用法 〉 次の英文を日本文になおすとき,( )の部分を補いなさい。

⑴ She likes to play the piano. 彼女は(  )。

⑵ I want to be a doctor. 私は(  )。

⑶ It will begin to rain soon. まもなく(  )。

⑷ He tried to open the door. 彼は(  )。


〈 形容詞的用法 〉 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。

⑴ 私は何か飲み物がほしい。 I ( something / want / to ) drink.

  I drink.

⑵ 私は言うべきことが1つあります。 I ( thing / have / to / one say.

  I say.

⑶ 彼はテニスをする時間がありません。 He has ( time / tennis / no / play / to ).

  He has .


〈 副詞的用法 〉 次の英文を日本文になおすとき,( )の部分を補いなさい。

⑴ I went to the station to meet my friend.

  私は(  )。

⑵ He studies hard to be a scientist.

  彼は(  )。

⑶ We were sad to hear the news.

  私たちは(  )。






〈 動名詞 〉 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

⑴ あなたのお姉さんは音楽を聞くのが好きですか。

  Does your sister                 to music?

⑵ 彼女の仕事はケーキを作ることです。   Her job is         cakes.

⑶ 本を読むことは私たちにとって大切です。

          books         important for us.

⑷ テレビを見るのをやめて,宿題をしなさい。

                  TV and do your homework.

⑸ 私はジェーンとテニスをして楽しみました。

  I                 tennis with Jane.


〈 不定詞と動名詞 〉 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

 We like to swim in the sea in summer.   We like         in the sea in summer.

 To use a computer is easy for Jim.             a computer is easy for Jim.

 They began learning Japanese two years ago.

  They began                 Japanese two years ago.

 Bob started watching a soccer game on TV.

  Bob started                 a soccer game on TV.


〈 不定詞と動名詞 〉 次の文の  に,( )内の語を適する形になおして書きなさい。2語になる場合もあ


⑴ We enjoyed        along the river. ( walk )

⑵ Susan wanted        something for you. ( do )  

⑶ When did you f inish        this book? ( read )

⑷ He hopes        in France. ( study )

⑸ It stopped        soon. ( rain

⑹ Thank you for        to my birthday party. ( come )


〈 動詞の ing 形の用法 〉 次の各組の英文を,意味のちがいに注意して日本文になおしなさい。

⑴ ① Ken stopped to talk with his friend.

    (  )

  ② Ken stopped talking with his friend.

    (  )

⑵ ① My father is taking care of f lowers.

    (  )

  ② My father’s hobby is taking care of f lowers.

    (  )





 She stopped the car to ask the way.  〔   〕

  ア They started to sing.  イ We go to school to study. 

  ウ We need time to think.  エ Does Jane like to watch movies? 


次の文の( )内から適するものを選び,記号で答えなさい。

⑴ Akira hopes ( study イ studies ウ studying エ to study ) English in Australia.〔   〕

⑵ She will f inish write イ writes ウ writing エ to write a report soon. 〔   〕

⑶ We stopped work イ worked ウ working エ to work and had lunch. 〔   〕

⑷ I took a bath after ( watching イ watched ウ to watch エ I watch ) TV. 〔   〕


次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

 Do you have any food with you?

  Do you have anything                 with you?

 We played baseball yesterday. We enjoyed it very much.   We enjoyed                 very much yesterday.

 She left the room. She did not say goodbye at that time.   She left the room without                .   


意味の通る正しい英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。

⑴ Please ( drink / something / me / give / to ).

  Please .

⑵ There are ( to / of / see / a lot / good places ) in Kyoto and Nara.

  There are in Kyoto and Nara.

⑶ A: I hear you joined the soccer team.   B: Yes. ( is / playing / fun / soccer ) for me.

   for me.

⑷ A: Were you busy today?

  B: Yes, I was so busy. I ( time / eat / had / to / no ) lunch.

  I lunch.


( )内の語数で,次の日本文を英文になおしなさい。

⑴ あなたは何になりたいですか。 (6語)   

⑵ 彼はあなたの手紙を読んで喜ぶでしょう。 (8語)   

⑶ 毎朝朝食を食べることはとても大切です。 (7語)   





次の英文は,中学生の浩(Hiroshi)が,学校行事で農村を訪れ,宿泊体験したときのことを書いたものです。 これを読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。

 Last June students from my school had a *chance to stay at *farmer’s houses. My group stayed at Mr. Tanaka’s house. When we f irst met Mr. Tanaka, he gave us the *schedule for our stay. We looked at it. One of my friends said, “Oh, we’ll work to *harvest *potatoes for two hours.” I thought, “That sounds interesting, but the work will be hard on a hot day.”

 When we got to Mr. Tanaka’s house, Mrs. Tanaka *welcomed us. She gave us *Japanese apricot juice. “I made this juice. We *grow Japanese apricots,” she said. We enjoyed the delicious juice. After that, Mr. Tanaka took us to his *f ields.

 First, we went to a rice f ield near a beautiful river. “Water from this river grows good rice,” Mr. Tanaka said. Then we walked to the potato f ield. The sun was *shining in the sky. Mr. Tanaka said, “Let’s start our work here. Please use these *shovels.” I worked very hard with a shovel. I thought, “This work isn’t easy, but I’m happy to harvest a lot of potatoes.”

 When we came back to the house with a lot of potatoes, Mrs. Tanaka was waiting for us. She smiled and said, “You look tired. After a short *rest, let’s start making dinner at f ive.” We cooked the potatoes. We had a good dinner and talked a lot. Then, we enjoyed watching beautiful

*f iref lies near the river.

 The next morning, it was rainy. We cleaned the *henhouse. Then we carefully *gathered a lot of

( ② ) there. We cooked them for breakfast. They were delicious. After breakfast, we started

to put *Japanese plums into boxes in the house. We f inished our work at ten thirty.

 “Thank you very much. We had a wonderful time with you. This stay gave us a chance to think about a farmer’s work,” we said to Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka. Then we left the house before noon.

  〔 注 〕 chance 機会  farmer 農業をする人  schedule 日程表  harvest 収穫する

      potato ジャガイモ  welcome 歓迎する  Japanese apricot 梅  grow 栽培する,育てる       f ield 田畑  shine 輝く  shovel シャベル  rest 休息,休み  f iref ly ホタル         henhouse ニワトリ小屋  gather 集める  Japanese plum スモモ

問1 二重線部ⓐ~ⓓと同じ用法の不定詞を含む文をア~エから1つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。   ア He wants someone to help him. イ I tried to understand you.

  ウ She was angry to hear that. エ Tom came to see you.

    ⓐ 〔   〕 ⓑ 〔   〕 ⓒ 〔   〕 ⓓ 〔   〕

問2 下線部①のour workを他の2語で言いかえ,仕事の内容がわかる文に書きかえなさい。    Let’s start                 here.

問3 ( ② )に適する1語を書きなさい。ただし,eで始まる語とします。         問4 下線部③は,具体的には何をすることか,日本語で答えなさい。(  問5 本文の内容と合うように次の問いに答えるとき,  に適する語を書きなさい。

  ⑴ What did the students do after dinner on the f irst day?        They                 near the river.

  ⑵ Did the students leave Mr. Tanaka’s house in the morning or in the afternoon?        They         there in the        .







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